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Research Lines

In the Soil Sustainability Lab, we study the effects of land-use change and climate change, on soil quality and the alteration of biogeochemical cycles, including carbon and water.

On going projects

Design of sustainable urban green areas in arid zones

Goal: Design adequate and sustainable urban green areas to maximize the capacity of these systems to provide environmental services (carbon storage in the soil and efficient use of water).

Soil carbon exchange analysis as an indicator of its biological degradation

Goal: Design a protocol to evaluate the biological degradation of soils in arid and semi-arid zones in the north of Mexico, measuring the soil carbon exchange and in the biological and abiotic factors that control it.

Land-use change effect to different wheat crops managements in the water balance in semi-arid areas
Captura de Pantalla 2021-10-26 a la(s) 11.26.00.png

Goal: Evaluate the land-use change effect on the water use efficiency and sustainability of wheat crops with conventional and sustainable management.

Evaluation of the sustainable management of the soil of cattle pastures in arid zones as an indicator of its re-carbonization 
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Goal: Evaluate whether the regenerative management of rangelands in arid areas of the Chihuahuense desert promotes soil re-carbonization, using the FAO-recommended indicators to quantify the organic carbon content of the soil and determine whether it is practical to achieve sustainable management objectives.

Validation of evapotranspiration from the water balance for sustainable management in a semi-arid climate

Goal: Validate the evapotranspiration of the culture obtained from the water balance of the soil through the Eddy covariance method, to promote better irrigation practices in the arid zones.

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Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Unidad Saltillo

Grupo de Sustentabilidad de los Recursos Naturales y Energía

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